It’s one of the most wonderful times of the year and I have to admit, I didn’t really get into fall until like several years ago when I was pregnant with Ethan. I was on a group pregnancy board and all the ladies on there were talking about how much they loved the fall weather.
Don’t get me wrong; it’s not that I hate fall, but rather I was nonchalant about it. It was just there. Living in Los Angeles, you only really get two types of weather – hot (Spring and Summer) and cold (winter). Fall usually falls somewhere between there.
Our fall weather typically looks like 100 degrees one day and the next day, it’ll drop down to 85 like it was nothing. Yeah, hella weird. I can’t do cozy sweaters, cute hats, boots, and get my delicious fill of all the apple, pumpkin, and whatever else (I think marshmallow?) I can get my hands on. How in the hell am I going to look being outside and wearing all that shit and it’s over 100 degrees?
I would look mad goofy, I tell you that much.
I do like to mark the different seasons by doing something that correlates with them. We started a new tradition on visiting our local farm, Underwood Farms, to pick apples, and seeing what they have for seasonal fruits and veggies. We also go to our local pumpkin patch and pick out the perfect pumpkin. So, we have a ton of stuff we do to make it all fall-like and cozy as much as we can in Pasadena!
However, the bipolar weather doesn’t last throughout the fall and it starts to cool down around October, which is coming up (#teamLibra). So, when you do want to get out and enjoy all of the Pumpkin Spice Lattes (which I sadly found out are not created equal, #sadface), I’ve created a bucket list that’ll make it easier for you. I highly recommend you save and print it out (or you can keep coming to visit because I am that awesome).
Every year, all three of us figure out different things we want to do. We try to do at least one of them once a week (things like burning candles and watching Halloween cartoons/shows/specials could happen multiple times). I’ve already had my fill for Pumpkin Spice Lattes and yes, I’m going to get some more!
My favorite fall activity is going to the pumpkin patch. I just love picking pumpkins and choosing the perfect one. We usually bake pumpkin seeds, decorate, and sometimes just use them as decor. I would love to go apple-picking this year so I can bake some apple pies for friends and family.
Bear loves the pumpkin patch and since we’ve been growing our own vegetables at home, he loves to pick out his own fruit and veggies. I think I’ll introduce him to apple picking this year.
Maks loves the pumpkin patch and he’s grown very fond of the fall candles I’ve picked out. I also have fall bath soaps for us. It’s all about the decor and having the fall scents everywhere, you know?
We haven’t made s’mores during fall ever so that’ll be a new experience for us (we usually do s’mores during the summer), so that’s an activity I’m looking forward to!
So, without further ado, here is my Fall bucket list for all you Ugg-stomping, cable-knit sweater wearing, sipping on apple cider spiked with vodka or gin drinking #teamcozies. Enjoy!

What’s on your fall bucket list? 🙂